Friday 24 June 2011

Relentless advert 2011

This advert I have seen when in the cinema quite a few times, when I see Thor, Kung Fu Panda 2 and Green Lantern, has stuck in my head, because of the way it flows so well. It is called ‘Virtues’ a word that has powerful, perhaps even biblical meaning behind it. Elemental imagery features frequently in the video and the suggestion of good vs evil is played out really well through the use of top athletes such as Jiu-Jitsu champion Roger Gracie, street dancer Zoe Green, BMX star Mark Webb and Gallows guitarist Steph Carter, blended with crows, wolves, fire and shattered glass. It narrates how getting scars that don't fade, but yet they are grateful as it shows what is within them, and what is within reach of them. Basically saying how suffering has been worth it, reaching for whatever goal, shows they have worked hard for it, and the scars stay as a reminder of the hard work put in, could relate to physical and mental scarring. The video is co-directed by Ross Cairns and Matt Follows (click here for his website) – a great piece of work.
A lot of the brands now, like this one are focused on the concept of not giving up, particularly energy drinks, cars and films. Often through our efforts to achieve something we want or need, circumstances can change so much that we may not ever reach our goals. These type of adverts give us a different view, and show us we can achieve our goals, through their advertising and product.

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