I love the font and love the fact that they have changed it. The old font started to have an old fashioned and mechanical clang to it, but then again it did give off more confidence. Well done Bruno Maag! I think he has achieved in creating a new typeface that is beautifully minimal, and achieves harmony through simplicity. I don' personally own a Nokia Phone, but I am sure those that do, should be happy with this change.
Thursday, 31 March 2011
Funny advert
I like this, as most people would look at it and find it offensive. The designer knows it's target audience and are playing on the classic, "Well, she slipped and I fell." gag. With young people, something with a bit of humour in could make them look and see the message behind, even if it is a bit extreme, but I think thats deliberate, hence the comic book style.
adidas MEGALIZER | YAK FILMS featuring Les Twins (Criminalz) and Bboy La...
A good advert that I found, worth checking out. An advert for adidas trainers, filmed & edited by Yoram Savion & Ben Tarquin which features Les Twins from the French dance crew ‘Criminals’, B-Boy Lamine & Mounir promoting Adidas’ ‘Megalizer’ footwear, which they say is “the first shoes that let dancers create their own music with their moves”. Makes me want go and buy those and some adidas. I love the concept of the weight transfer activated switch. Works really well, and a cool way to get target audience interested, the young generation will look at this and see it as cool, well because it is :)
Just some photo's when I was doing D&AD, and I visited Stratford, and after went to Trafalgar Square.
Wednesday, 30 March 2011
Think! Drink Driving Advert
Moment of Doubt road safety advert
Hen party enjoy an unforgettable big night out!
Example I remembered from a few weeks back, an example of a campaign advert thats rather shocking. There are a few other examples I am trying to remember, and I will post them up when I can.
Starbucks New logo
Well all I can say I think it works, we know its Starbucks still, because they have just removed the text, and the colour used in the logo before, was just the colour around the text, here in the new logo, they've used that colour for the whole thing, which I think works, as when I look at the previous logo, the green was what stood out more.. Each company will start off with a logo, that will gradually undergo changes to it gets to a point where no more can be done. I think this example is one of them, because they can't simplify this anymore withour losing the edge and meaning of their brand.
Unreal Engine 3: Official Samaritan Demo
So this is what games are becoming like? This is unreal for sure.
Chris Brown - Look At Me Now ft. Lil Wayne, Busta Rhymes
Business card & letterhead continued
Had to do a few changes, heres what I got now, aligned things a bit better too. The letters in white in my name, I reconsidered as the other letters were the same as in the words "graphic designer", but the white letters left over, stood out too much, and had no significant meaning, so I changed my initials in the logo to white so they stood out.
Tuesday, 29 March 2011
Business card & letterhead work
Here are what I have so far as designs for business cards. The letterhead I have kept as simple as possible, so it works large and small, and the business cards, there are 2 designs, all in different colours, i may print one design in 4 colours, but see which design is preferred. Feedback is welcome.
Saturday, 26 March 2011
Logo for voilence in games campaign-testing
These are expressions on the faces of the people in the logo. Previously, they were just plain expressions, but I thought I need to show that I have tried other options before deciding on the final logo. Peoples feedback from previously was good, they pointed out that the hand over the eyes shows that they are being prevented from seeing something, giving the the feeling of protection, they also said its good that the hand is over the eyes, and not the mouth, otherwise it could be interpreted as being something to do with paedophiles, which is what I first thought when I first started designing this, and the hand is placed over the childs eyes. The expression on the child could be sad, as the parent is stopping them from seeing something, and the parents is shocked or just plain, that could work. Let me know what you think :)
Tuesday, 22 March 2011
Portfolio examples I found
As part of my research I have been looking at examples of other peoples portfolio's to gain a idea of what mine can be. I have considered mine being printed, rather than digital, as a lot of the work going in my portfolio is going to be print. Here are some examples I have found that look interesting. The format for mine has to fit in with the work I am going to show, which will mainly be advertising, branding and promotion examples. As an idea, I should perhaps look at examples that these areas use in showing work and products. The blog below, the guy has used the idea of using a newspaper type format for his, which is interesting.
Brand Identity
Here is something else I have been working on for the Portfolio and Development Unit. Just some ideas, working from my original idea. I like this typeface better, Corbel. Feedback please :)
Well, last night I was meant to have people meet me to discuss filming and acting parts, and people to help me with editing. The actors chosen didn't turn up so I have had to reconsider other people that can be more reliable. The plan and script is in place, its just doing it now. I have reorganised another day for filming, and Hugh has asked I have some footage ready for the review, which is do-able. Then start editing it after, and over Easter. Posters and leaflets I can do in at least a week, but video is main focus for the time being. After doing test shots, I have decided to shorten the script and not include some shots, like the ones of the actual game, as this is advertising violent games when I am doing awareness on the effects, so had to reconsider that. Hopefully by the end of this week I will have some footage I can upload on here.
Tuesday, 15 March 2011
The plan for the video, is to do a test shoot, as so I know what sort of shots I can achieve before doing the actual shoot. I have asked some people I know to help and have set up plans, and a script for an idea I have. Also a sheet that describes the intention of the campaign and what it is about, so the people helping are not in the dark. After the test shoot, I am going to be focusing more on the video being done, before attempting to create other mediums for the campaign, such as posters, leaflets, etc. The video is the main drive behind the campaign so getting that right first is the main priority, so the next few weeks before Easter will be devoted to this. The idea of the video is to be viral, and placed online, as more people make purchases online now, so it would seem more effective to have it online. Also, people tend to send and forward things to each other online, same with videos, thats the idea of viral. This is another thing for me to look into, as how the audience will see my video is key. I will look at how parents find out about games and where they purchase them, in order to help make my video accessible to more people.
Monday, 14 March 2011
Saturday, 12 March 2011
Mediums for Final Major Project
My idea is ready, and now its time to start thing about what is going to be designed to help do this campaign. I had already sort of decided couple of weeks back to do some sort of advert, that could be put on television, sent over the interent (like viral) or even on a games disc before the game starts. Thinking about it now, if placed on a games disc, the parents wouldn't see it, just the kids, and they won't care. So perhaps it could be TV. Also as part of the campaign I will have:
- A logo, for the campaign
- a slogan, to accompany the advert
- information leaflet, to be distributed or picked up in retail/game outlets (contains information relevant to the campaign, and helps make the issue more understood, contact details included and companys that will work alongside, possibly game outlet stores, age rating companys, etc)
- possibly a stand for the leaflets
- maybe small postcards to distribute?
- posters ( displayed at bus stops, in schools, phone boxes, etc)
- t-shirt with campaign logo?
Its commonly known for parents to cover kids eyes if they don't want them to see certain things, like scenes in films, etc. Which is where I got this idea from, as it can also apply to games too. I have tested the design in different colours, may play around with other typefaces, this one is simliar to ones used for companys that do ratings, its kept simple and not to fancy which is why I used a typeface I downloaded called Harabara Bold. Its san serif, and looks clean, but may try the logo with other tyoe and see what looks best. Feedback would be appreciated :)
Friday, 11 March 2011
Three 6 Mafia feat. Tiƫsto - Feel It (Official Music Video)
Thursday, 10 March 2011
What graphic design skills can be used with the process of marketing?
Task 5
- Designers can help when it comes to research, going out conducting surveys, help with the sort of questions in the survey in order to gain knowledge from the intended target audience. Good use of communication skills are needed by the designer to in order for ideas to be understood.
- Ideas for products, the designer can brainstorm and create thumbnails, looking at examples from other successful marketing companies, using inspiration from other designers to help in the creation of an idea, what they used and how they obtained it.
- development, the designer, once an idea is obtained say a logo, magazine, maybe a piece of packaging design, can use computer applications such as Photoshop, InDesign and use of the Adobe suite, in order to create it. Also, to look for flaws, as after the design is done, and out there, its on your head and the clients if theres something wrong, so as a designer we have to have a sharp eye for detail.
- The designer can help in assistance with production as they should already have experience in areas such as print, packaging, web design, etc and this in turn helps the marketing process as those people may not have the contacts or knowledge, but the designer would, and should.
- The designer can assist in the retail area, with promotion and advertising of the design/product with use of P.O.S, posters, mass media ( television, radio, web), etc which they can help in creating in order to generate large interest from the audience, and in turn help make the client and themselves a lot of money, and generate interest for themselves for future companies who need ideas.
Wednesday, 9 March 2011
Personal Identity
Here is an idea I have been working on for a brand/logo:
Just a start on something, may play around a bit more with the type.
Just a start on something, may play around a bit more with the type.
Personal Identity
To do:
-A logo. Something to represent me in a unique way.
-Business Card.
-Other memorable devices and promotional ideas.
Here are some examples for agencies I have looked at that work in advertising and marketing and branding, of their personal identities.

-A logo. Something to represent me in a unique way.
-Business Card.
-Other memorable devices and promotional ideas.
Here are some examples for agencies I have looked at that work in advertising and marketing and branding, of their personal identities.
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